Wow. Almost as fast as you can open a browser on your computer or your phone, today, you’ll probably see something about cyber Monday deals. I’ve already received a bunch of emails from a bunch of places with ’em. And it seems like businesses of all kinds are jockeying for position.
Cyber Monday deals are fine…I suppose.
And…I mean…the whole concept must work, right? Because it happens every year, now. And it seems like it’s been going on for almost as long as there’s been an internet.
Phone companies with their awesome unlimited offers. Internet and TV specials coming from all the major providers. And, of course, businesses that don’t have anything to do with “cyber” are in on it. Like clothing stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, and on and on.
But, like I said, it must work. Or they wouldn’t do it every year.
Businesses and advertising agencies work for months in advance on their cyber Monday deals. And their Black Friday doorbusters. And their 4th quarter projections. Some people even get paid big bucks to come up with campaigns and offers and sales letters.
So…again…it must work.
But how do they know it works?
Because they discovered people like deals they can access with their computers in the comfort of their own homes. And they found out that if they can make buying something pushbutton easy, they can increase the ka-ching in the ol’ cash register.
And so, each year businesses figure out what worked last year and what didn’t. Then, they use those numbers and that information to figure out what they’ll do this year. And guess what all this work is called?
Yeah. A system.
And that’s why cyber Monday is just another one of about a million reasons why I’m always talking about my RondaReady system. Because it’s the tool that can help you compete with the best of ’em. But only if you’re willing to work as hard as your successful competitors.
If you are, then plug in to my system. And Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your business.
Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,