You’ll probably disagree with me. But I’m gonna share these three words anyway. Debt is good. There. I said it. And I’m not kidding. And, even though I know there are some who agree, I know most level-headed thinkers will think I’m crazy talkin’.
Still, debt is good.
But not ALL debt.
So, maybe I should be more clear and say debt CAN be good. At least when you recognize you’re in debt and you came by it naturally.
Now, it’s all clear as the Mississippi River after a rainstorm. Right? OK, I’ll stop the verbal gymnastics and let you in on what I mean when I say debt is good, or debt can be good.
The moment you were born you were in debt. To your parents. And to anyone who helped bring you safely into the world. Of course, you weren’t expected to start making payments on that debt. You were a baby, for goodness sake.
But you owed (another way of saying debt) your very life to those other people.
Then, your debt continued to grow. Because your parents, loved ones, and other guardians fed you, clothed you, and paid for a roof over your head. But, thankfully, they weren’t keeping a tab. Well, at least those who love you don’t. Nevertheless, your debt increased.
But it was/is a good debt. Because it can be a measurement tool for how you can do the same thing for another person once you’re old enough and skilled enough to earn and care for others.
Makes sense, right? Pay it forward, or give back, or do unto others. However you say it, it makes sense to “make payments” on that debt you can never really repay. Because it shows you understand the value of serving others well who served you well.
And it’s the best investment of your time and effort.
On the other hand, not ALL debt is good. In fact, most debt these days, is expensive. And it’s like a self-inflicted slavery. Because it’s just money spent that you don’t have. On things that won’t ever pay for themselves. Plus interest. So, those things end up costing even more. Sometimes WAY more.
One of those things, these days, is often a college degree.
I’ve shared a lot of information about how investing in yourself is so valuable. And I’ve mentioned how an investment in you and your business or ideas shouldn’t cost you anything. No, that kind of investment should pay for itself. And continue to pay you back from then on.
I’m sharing that tidbit with you because it’s also true for the courses and System I sell.
My RondaReady System isn’t cheap. Even my YOUniversity course, which is a scaled down version of RondaReady for young people just staring out, isn’t what some would say is cheap.
Matter of fact, it might be too expensive for you and your business or your ideas. It might be too expensive if you don’t believe in yourself or your business or your ideas enough to follow through. And if that lack of follow through describes you, then jumping into YOUniversity will just be another debt.
And not one of the a good ones.
But if, and this might be a BIG IF, you’re someone who just needs some help getting started in the right direction, YOUniversity might be an awesome investment in your future.
How about we talk about it some more? Book a free call with me, with that handy calendar below. And give me a chance to see where you wanna go in life. I’d love to help YOU if I can. Let’s talk soon.
Stay Ready,
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