A friend of mine, who has two “kids” in their twenties, told me about how they’re both struggling with what they wanna be when they “grow up.” And I’ve noticed (maybe you have, too) how that’s not a rare problem. But it’s not surprising when you think about how many sky’s-the-limit, so-called opportunities they’re bombarded with all the time. And when young people know they have talents, but they’re not sure what to do with them, they get good at the distraction dance.
The distraction dance is a mangled mashup.
Did you ever see the YouTube video of Judson Laipply doing what he called “The Evolution of Dance?” If not, go look for it on YouTube. It’s an old video where Judson busted his own moves to songs through the decades. And it’s really funny to watch because it shows how dance moves changed over the years.
But it’s also a good representation of how distraction works. One minute you’re twisting the night away. And the next you’re moonwalking…or walking forward but going backward. And then you’re caught in a disco inferno.
Yeah, it’s fun till the “next big thing” comes along and you gotta learn that.
So, that’s part of why I’m always telling clients, friends, (and pretty much whoever will listen) to give the young people the gift of System Thinking. Because it’s great to have talents, gifts, and lots of ideas. But it’s even greater to be able to put all that into a System to help you make awesome things happen.
And, by awesome, I mean turning ideas into profits.
Because ideas, alone, don’t pay the bills.
And when you can help your kids turn their ideas into paydays, that’s like handing them the keys to a brand new sports car. But not just any sports car. I’m talkin’ about their very own shiny, personalized sports car they can park in their very own garage. Not YOUR garage.
Do you see the special “magic” in that? I hope so. Because it’s one of the best things you could ever do for yourself…not just them.
And I can help you to help them get there. I’ve put the System Thinking ingredients together in RondaReady YOUniversity. I’m launching it soon.
And it’s a proven System with over 20 years of proof behind it. I’m gonna offer it at a substantial discount only to those who get my daily emails. And that’ll only be for the first few days when I launch and release it.
So, be sure to get your name in the digital hat by signing up for my free emails. And if you’re already a subscriber, keep your eyes peeled for the offer, and…
Stay Ready,