Friends, business, and the golden rule. Those are three things that I started thinking about this morning after seeing a meme. It had a picture of Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson looking like good buddies. And underneath the picture it said…
- If my friend is an accountant, that’s where I’m doing my taxes.
- If my friend opens a bar, that’s where I’m going to drink.
- And if my friend opens a restaurant, that’s where I’m going out to eat.
- Others may have better prices, but I’m helping my friends build their business. We will succeed together.
So, friends doing business with friends.
That DOES sound like a successful strategy. Agree? And it makes perfect sense. Because successful business owners will tell you they got that way when they focused on building relationships. And, in the marketing world, there’s a couple of old sayings I enjoy reading or hearing every time.
People do business with people they Know, Like, and Trust.
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Yeah. Relationships. Friendships. And Success.
It’s why I dedicated a lot of my RondaReady System to building relationships and referrals. And it’s why I prefer to work with my clients and customers like they’re my friends. It’s why I treat them as I’d want to be treated.
And that’s how my friends and I have built 6 and 7 figure businesses.
It all started with an idea to help entrepreneurs and business owners, like you, plug into a proven system and RUN with it. And I know I mention this a lot. But it’s because I want all my friends to be as successful as they can or want to be.
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Stay Ready,