I still love this quote from Jim Rohm, “You cannot make progress without making decisions.” And I think it’s a habit that’s more important than ever to get into. Indecision is a killer.
Because if you’re indecisive about small things, that leads to indecision in the big things. And that’ll kill your dreams and goals faster than just about anything. I know how difficult it is to make a decision when it involves money and time. But you WILL make a choice.
Even when you don’t proactively make a choice. Because not deciding to do something is actually deciding NOT to do something. You DO see that. Right? But decision making doesn’t have to be like that at all. And you CAN get control over those feelings of doubt. I can assure you. I know what I’m talking about.
I remember when I discovered it was more important than ever to decide.
It happened years ago, when I decided to take more control of my life. I had made what turned out to be some less than desirable choices. So, of course I got less than desirable results.
And I figured out I’d better set me up a system I could use to stay focused and on track. Because I had some life goals in mind. And I needed to be able to plan and see the best way to get there.
I didn’t know it right then. But that was the seed that would eventually grow into my RondaReady System. And, when I first started, I dreamed and hoped it would be successful. And that it would be a system to help business owners and entrepreneurs actually RUN businesses.
I knew, at the time, things had to change. There had to be a better way. And just hadn’t found it. So I decided (KEY word, decided) to build my own better mouse trap. And then build my business. And it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Because my system helped take the huge stress out of decision making.
I just wished I had started a lot sooner.
And that’s why I developed RondaReady YOUniversity. Because I wanna help smooth the way for younger people just starting out in the big, bad business world.
If that’s YOU, I want to encourage you to be bold with your decisions. Keep pushing forward, and don’t dwell on any of your past stumbles and tumbles. They only define you if you let ’em. And, together, we won’t let ’em. It’s more important than ever to understand who YOU are.
So, that’s why the very first lessons in RondaReady YOUniversity are designed to help you discover your Vision. And they can help you focus your energy in the direction you’d actually like to go. With strategies to help you know how to get there.
How about we talk about it some more? Book a free call with me, with that handy calendar below. And give me a chance to see where you wanna go in life. I’d love to help YOU if I can. Let’s talk soon.
Stay Ready,
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