A friend of mine recently shared a nostalgic story about what it was like when he was a kid and went to the movies. And I could see it in his eyes, as he talked. It must’ve been something mighty nice. He said one of his favorite parts was the preview of coming attractions. Because that’s when he got ideas for what movie he’d see next.
And the preview of coming attractions was a presentation, too.
Not just some boring words on a big screen. My friend said they showed lots of upcoming movies with clips and interviews. And then there were cartoons. And a lot of times there would even be a guy who got on stage and announced giveaways. It sounded like a fun time. And that didn’t even include the two movies they showed.
I won’t tell you what my friend said he paid for all this. Because it’ll just sound like it couldn’t possibly be true. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I’ll tell you. He said he’d take his 50 cents, stop off at a drug store, get a candy bar and a soda (Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, 7up, etc.) and still have enough for the movies. Previews and all.
Yeah, times have changed…just a little. Right?
And I shared this story with you because I’m having a preview of coming attractions of my own. No, I’m not going into the movie business. I’m still in the Business business. But I’ve got some new stuff I’m gonna be talking about and sharing with you, shortly and through the month of January.
My preview will be attractions designed just for you my studious reader.
And that’s all the hinting I’ll do for now. But be sure to watch for it starting next week.
It’s gonna be a whole new way to tap into my RondaReady system. And you don’t wanna miss it. It’s designed especially for newbies. But even established business owners will love it. And I put it together because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,