Here’s a bubble burster. You can’t be ready for action no matter what happens. Yep, you read that right. But I should maybe clear that up a little.
Sure you can ready for action. Just not every action.
But don’t feel bad. Because nobody can be ready for everything. And I think too many people give that impression when they say things like “Be ready for anything.” Or “Get suited up and ready for action, come what may.” But I recommend you be ready for what you can be ready for today.
And there ARE things you can be ready for today. Like how you’re gonna continue to follow the course you set for yourself and your business today. Or how you’re gonna monitor your strategies for business components like schedule control, relationship building, and performance measurement. And how you’re gonna make sure your actions become habits. Because you know your habits set you on the fast track to a successful business. Right?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could apply your efforts to a system you can modify and personalize to save you time and energy? You know, sorta like a good workout. Just set up the proper form on good equipment and you’re ready for action with positive results.
“What’s that? You wish you could find that kind of system? And you wish you could just plug in to it and plot your course so you can know where you’re going. AND you wish that system could help you take actions that can turn into good business-building habits?”
“Oh no, that’s just pie in the sky fairy tale wishes.”
Just kidding. Mostly.
No one can promise your business dreams and goals will come true. Because there’s no way to know how committed you are. But I CAN promise that when you commit and follow my RondaReady business system, you CAN experience life-changing differences.
Nothing and no one can prepare you for everything because it’s impossible to know everything that can happen. But a proven system can help get you ready for action you the highly organized CEO of your successful business.
So, invest in yourself today. You have lots of options for doing that. So, it doesn’t have to be with me. But I recommend you get your own copy of the RondaReady System book, today. Because it IS a good investment. Mostly because it connects you with ME. And I truly want to succeed. So, invest in the System that can pay for itself exponentially, and help you…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority