Stop me if you’ve had this before (not really, that’s just an expression). So, you had a dream of owning a business. And you worked hard, made a lot of right moves, and, sure enough, you made your dream come true. In fact, you did such a good job, now you even have employees. Awesome! Good for you.
Only, I wonder. Do these sound like the right moves?
You work 12 to 14 hour days. Every day. And with no time to enjoy anything you thought you would. And it feels like there’s never a moment when some detail doesn’t need your attention. Yeah, it even feels like your business owns you. Hmm. Sounds like some of those right moves might not have been right. Right?
I’m trying to poke fun. Or make light of your situation. Because I know it’s no laughing matter when your business owns you.
The scenario I described was WAY too real for a business owner client of mine. And he was actually working those 12 to 14 hour days. He couldn’t (translate: wouldn’t) delegate any of the day-to-day work to anyone else. Because he believed everything would crumble without him.
Plus, he resisted the pull to automate a lot his business tasks. Things that can easily be automated. So, even though his business made good money, he worried. Day after day. Night after night. And that’s a recipe for disaster.
So, first thing I recommended was delegation.
Because you can, and should, make your operations easily repeatable. Then, you can make sure just about everybody can, and does, do it your way. And you don’t have to feel like it’s all gonna blow up if you decide to take some time away from work.
And here’s an added benefit I’ve seen happen a lot of times.
There are lots of times when owners hire qualified people for the right positions that those people help improve business operations even better and faster. Because, guess what? You’re not always the best at everything. And why would you want to be? Especially when you can pay someone less money than you’d need to do the same work. Or even better work.
That’s part of what inspired me to build my RondaReady Business system hub. I have a strong belief that, with good information and a great system, the sky’s the limit for real go-getters and risk takers.
Maybe you and I should talk about it some more.
Because I believe it might help you, too. So, make one of those right moves and schedule a call with me. And let’s talk about your ideas and plans. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Here’s your link to get started.
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Axis