I’ll bet if I say (or, in this case, write) the words, small batch brownies, you immediately see some in your mind. Right? And I’ll bet you can almost taste ’em. Yeah, me too. Because who doesn’t LUV brownies. Especially when they hit all the right buttons.
Here’s why you might especially like small batch brownies:
You don’t need an electric mixer. They’re quick and easy to make. And small batch brownies means you only have to eat a few and they’re gone. So, hardly any trouble at all (wink wink). Oh yeah, did I mention they’re fudgy delicious, too?
Someone shared a recipe, which I don’t have, and it sounds pretty easy. Even the ingredients will make your mouth water. Butter, dark chocolate, egg, sugar, vanilla extract, flour, cocoa powder, and chocolate chips. ‘Scuse me a sec. I don’t like to write while I’m chewing.
OK. I’m back.
I remember talking with a client about small batch brownies. No, wait. We didn’t talk about brownies. We talked about her out-of-control schedule on a typical day. And I showed her how “batching” her to-do list can help alleviate that feeling of losing control.
And, in case you didn’t already know, batching just means you’ll keep the same kinds of tasks together and do a bunch of them at the same time. The reason it works so well and helps you be more productive is because you don’t have to shift gears so much.
Like sending out emails. Instead of doing one or a few of those every day, set up a time when you’ll do them all. Then, you won’t have to deal with moving back and forth between programs or apps.
Want another idea that’s almost as delicious as brownies?
How about scheduling all your phone calls for the same time each day? That way, the won’t feel like an interruption. You’ll do them on purpose so you can focus on sales or customer service or whatever.
The time blocking tool in my RondaReady Business System book helped my client batch those daily tasks. And I remember how she told me it felt like she was safe in a speed boat. Away from the circling sharks.
So, if you see fins in the water, invest in your own copy of the RondaReady System book, today. Sorry, the recipe for small batch brownies isn’t included. But a faster path to business success is. So, click or tap that link, below, and…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Action