Here’s a real shocker. Not every day is gonna shine like internet marketers’ pictures of expensive sports cars and mansions would have you believe. I know. Say it isn’t so. Right? But the truth is you’re gonna have days, and maybe lots of them when you first start your business, where almost nothing goes right. Or at least according to plan. And that’s when you gotta remember…you chose this.
Back in 1874, a boy was born to an aristocratic family. And little did anyone know, at that time, how this boy would come to be known as “The Bulldog.”
He grew up and became a prolific writer. And then he went into politics. And most consider his greatest strength to be his powerful speaking abilities. He was also greatly admired for his leadership style. Because it helped him connect with his entire nation. And they elected him to their highest office more than once.
This amazing leader made a motivational speech that’s still quoted today because of how well it highlights persistence. And the quote is this: “Never give in. Never give in. And never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
And this guy won a Nobel Prize for Literature. And he became the first honorary citizen of the United States of America. All this in spite of an ongoing battle with depression. He called it the “black dog” of his existence.
Who was this guy?
Winston Churchill. And if you haven’t read his story, treat yourself. Because it’s like a blueprint for leadership. Something you can use in your business every day. And remember…
No one forced you to be an entrepreneur. You chose this.
When you decided to be a business owner, you chose to skip the so-called “safe” 9-5 world. Because you decided you didn’t wanna spend your life in a job making someone else’s vision for their business come true. Does this sound familiar?
OK, now if you’re having a bad day or week, month, or year (after all 2020 has been challenging to say the least), consider this. If you’re not moving forward, you’re going backward. There’s no standing still. Because standing still just helps your competition move forward.
So, you gotta take on a leadership mindset. And leaders have to plan and anticipate. Leaders don’t do things last minute.
As a leader, you need a clear vision of where you’re going. And a strong belief you’ll get there. Remember, “never give in.”
My RondaReady system won’t necessarily transform you into a Winston Churchill. But it WILL give you all the tools you need to lead.
So, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized leader of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,