I’m not God. And I’m so glad. Because I have more than enough responsibility just running a business and a family. Can’t imagine having to watch out over a whole world and universe and be everywhere at once. Makes me tired to just think of it. But I can get a little more of that omnipresent feeling with some help from technology and delegation.
I can sort of be everywhere at once in the digital world.
There are several places in my RondaReady System book where I talk about delegating things to other people. Of course, if you’re just starting out, you might not be able to afford that. But I recommend getting there as quickly as you can. Because, like they say, “more hands lighten the load.”
And I don’t just tell you to do as I say and not do it myself.
For example, even as we speak (so to speak) my tech guy is working on setting up my new podcast on multiple channels all around the world. Yes, you read that right. Very soon, you can have my business management tips and strategies delivered, hassle-free, to your ears. And it’s all being set up even as I’m preparing and writing this message.
Is this a great time to be alive and running a business or what?! (highly rhetorical question)
And I confess, I don’t have a clue about how my videos are converted into audio and then scooped up by podcasting directories. It still amazes me how fast everything has become online, too. I don’t know how they can keep making things so much faster, more reliable, and easy to use. But the good news is…I don’t have to know. And even better news is…because they can, all my new points of contact are made mighty fast and hands-free.
Well, my hands-free anyway.
And that’s one of the main points I’m always telling business owners and entrepreneurs. You can truly get more done by doing less. Less of the day-to-day stuff. And less of the things you’re not the expert in. But you’re gonna need a system to get you on (and keep you on) track. And I promise you, my RondaReady system can do that (and so much more) for you.
So, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,