Wow! November 2023. I can remember when that sounded like it was far off in the distant future. But here it is. And today, the 7th, means one week of it is already gone. I know the rest of 2023 is gonna be a blur. So, I hope it’s been the best year yet for you and your business or entrepreneurial goals.
Whether it has been or not, I hope 2024 is your best year yet.
And that’s because I want every year to be your best year yet. Of course, I know we don’t live in FantasyLand. So, life happens and the world can get in the way of best-laid plans. But that doesn’t mean you don’t make ’em.
And plans still make a huge difference in what you’re likely to accomplish for the year.
We’re right at the last few weeks of 2023. And I know a lot of people like to start out a new year with big dreams and goals. They even work on business-building to-do lists, mind-mapping, and “vision boards.” In the RondaReady System I help my clients and customers set that up in their Accomplishment Board.
On the Accomplishment Board, you write down all those things you’d like to see happen this year. For you and your business. Here’s a quick snapshot of what I teach to make it easier:
Use different colors as you write down your goals. One color for your business goals. Another for your personal goals. And maybe you have some physical goals or relationship goals. Use different colors for each one so you can easily see each one at a glance. And I encourage you to write them down in the PAST tense. As though you’ve already accomplished them. It’s much more powerful to say “I am” or “I did” or “I have” instead of things like, “I want” or “I need.” I think you’d love what it can do for your subconscious.
I also make one more suggestion I believe really fires up the process:
Put your accomplishment board in a place where you can see it anytime of day.
Be prepared to be amazed at how much better you focus. Because you’re more likely to do it when you see it.
And here’s a hugely important fact. Only about three percent of the population writes down goals.
And it’s no coincidence how that’s the three percent who tend to get what they want out of life.
So, it’s worth it to take the time. Write your accomplishments down. Break ’em down into small steps. And get what you’re after in the coming 12 months. Make it your best year yet.
Get even deeper, more comprehensive help from me when you buy my RondaReady System book.
Lots and lots of businesses have used my RondaReady System to take their business to the next level. Both financially and emotionally.
I’d love to help you be the next success story. And I definitely believe a successful business, built on what you put on your Accomplishment Board, is the best way to get there.
So, invest in YOU and your future. Get the RondaReady System book on Amazon, today!
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