Better life
Tom wanted to help his neighbors be able to get more done in a day. And he knew he had a great way to do that, but he just couldn’t make his idea work. Day after day he worked on it, and night after night he lived with another failure. But he didn’t give up. And after what felt like ten thousand tries, he got his idea to work. Then, he was able to help lots of people have a better life.
A better life is so much more than a hashtag. Right?
And it’s not the exact same scenario for everyone. But everybody’s idea for a better life has one thing in common…they want to go from where they are to something or some place better. And the best way to get to something or some place better is to help others get what they want or where they wanna go.
Uncanny, right?
The key is where you put your focus. You? Or them? I know it can be hard to think about others when you’ve got bills to pay, mouths to feed, and a business to run. Daily life can take a lot out of you. And many times you feel like you don’t have anything left for others. But when you keep pushing, you’ll probably find you DO have a little something left. You DO have a way to help someone else. Or even lots of other people. You’re made of more than you might think. And when you find an audience who appreciates what you can do for them, it’ll all be worth the extra push.
Check out the biggest success stories and you’ll almost always find someone who figured out how to help others. Even though they were almost ready to quit.
You already know this. I just wanna encourage you to stay the course…to your better life.
Stay Ready
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady