You know how sometimes something online just catches your eye? And how you gotta go check it out. Yeah, all the time, right? That happened to me this weekend. And it was a story of a 79 year old bodybuilder. No, that’s not a typo.
Ernestine Shepherd is a bodybuilder.
And she’s also a personal trainer, and a professional model. Whew! That’s one busy lady. And on her website, she says she’s “more fulfilled than she’s ever been in her life.” Who doesn’t wanna be able to say that when they’re 79? Right?
I enjoyed reading how Ernestine achieved the title of “World’s Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder in Rome, Italy. And that’s according to the Guinness World Records. So, it must be true.
And I found it fascinating to read how she went from being basically a 56 year old couch potato to holding that amazing world record.
She said her inspiration started when she and her sister went shopping for bathing suits. And they laughed at each other when they saw how out of shape they looked. So, they started working out together.
But not long after they started her sister, Velvet, died from a brain aneurysm. And Ernestine lost her motivation to go to the gym. But fortunately, with the help of a friend, she worked through that and started exercising again.
Fast forward a little bit and you see how Ernestine decided to help and inspire other “senior citizens” to get in better shape. And her life’s to-do list pumped up almost as much as her muscles.
So, she had to learn to control her much busier schedule and lifestyle. And she’s up at 4 a.m. to run 10 miles. She maintains a regimen for conditioning. And she has to keep track of her nutrition, which includes her seven small, balanced meals each day.
She takes no medications.
And she’s able to enjoy life more than most people many years younger than her. Because she also gets plenty of rest, keeps a positive attitude, and thinks of her life as a long, happy journey.
Side note: she says she has the full support of her husband of 52 years. And I’ve talked about that before when I asked “who’s in your lifeboat with you?”
Now, I don’t personally know Ernestine. But I can almost guarantee you one thing about her.
She doesn’t enjoy all that success in her life accidentally.
No, she worked out a system. And she works the system. So, she’s a senior bodybuilder whose inspiration will never get old.
If you wanna give yourself (and your business) the best shot possible at the kind of life, my RondaReady system can help you do it better and faster.
So, be the highly organized CEO of your business. And book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,