Brainstorm ideas for business
instead of building more levees
Imagine yourself on your third vacation this year. And planning your fourth. Now, imagine enjoying a great view while you brainstorm ideas for business so you can do this again next year. OK, now wake up! It’s never going to happen. Life doesn’t work that way. You’re tied to your business, and it will blow up if you even think about one vacation. Yeah. That’s reality, kiddo. Not!
One of my clients is able to brainstorm ideas and be the business owner I just described.
And in case you’re wondering how she did it, I’ll just repeat myself. Systems. Processes. Operations established. This client of mine took action on the training we went through, one-on-one. And now she has a fully working business system in place that allows her to brainstorm ideas and actually implement them. What a concept…right?
She told me she feels so much more “free and creative.” And I can see it in her face. The stressed looks have been replaced with confident smiles. When she mentions her business, it’s about the next ideas she’s looking forward to. Not the dread of figuring out how she can generate enough income to pay the bills. In fact, she told me she’s making some tweaks (based on her new ideas) that should generate another $2000 a month or so. And with “minimal effort.”
She’s actually gone on three vacations this year and has a fourth planned before the end of the year. Because she knows her business will run efficiently and effectively even while she’s gone. And she can stay in touch without staying home. Ain’t technology great? And let’s not forget a proven system, of course. The RondaReady online business coach CRM system is the proven system I teach. I’m confident it can help you build your business better and faster. I’ve seen it work for scores of other businesses.
Here’s a great idea…this time next year you could be the one I’m writing about. So…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady
Want a free building plan? If you’re not ready to commit to hiring an online business coach, or if you’re a confident do-it-yourselfer, grab my free book. Click or tap the picture of the book over in the sidebar or get the Amazon Kindle version HERE. There’s also a paperback version available on Amazon HERE. Everything I teach my one-on-one clients is in the book. Start building your business better, today. I’m pullin’ for you..