Business and family
Now, that’s a benefits package!
Almost every time I talk to a business owner who’s having troubles balancing business and family, I think about my own family. And recently my oldest daughter turned 19. That got me thinking about it again…
Your business and family are both important.
And they should complement each other. Out of the 19 years I’ve had with my daughter, I’ve worked from home for 16 of them. And just saying it out loud, I realize how incredible that is. When I first had her, I was working in a good-paying corporate job. And I got those three months of maternity leave found in many benefits packages. But I discovered, after being with my daughter for those first three months, I knew I didn’t like the idea of leaving her each day to go back to work.
I wanted to (and needed to) make a living and provide for my family. AND spend actual time with them. Not spend time in an office with a whole bunch of other people. So, after two years I went out “on my own.” And except for one year, when I transitioned my work from one industry to another and moved to another part of the country, I’ve been “on my own” ever since.
So, are you in a similar position?
Or do you know someone who is? Are you like me and you want to work hard for your own desires, your own dreams, what you consider important in life? Does your vision of family time, work time, and general lifestyle look different than where you find yourself?
If so, my RondaReady online business coach CRM system can help you change that. I’ve spent years in coaching. And I’ve also spent a lot of my own money learning how to put together proven systems and processes. It helped me balance business and family in several awesome ways. AND it’s helped scores of other business owners, too.
When you’re ready to be home with your family, get back in control of your own time, and work on YOUR dreams, I can help you. Book a free call and let’s talk about it.
Stay Ready,