Way back in the day (as they say) I started my business for family reasons. And some would say that sounds a little contradictory or odd. But I can promise you it was the best decision I could have made.
I wanted to (and needed to) make a living and provide for my family. AND spend actual time with them. Not spend time in an office with a whole bunch of other office people. Because that’s what I’d been doing. And I could almost literally feel the joy of life draining out of me. I didn’t wanna miss my kids growing up.
So, after two years I went my own way, and except for one year I’ve been “on my own” ever since. And that year was when I transitioned my work from one industry to another to move to different part of the country.
And that’s why I say choose business FOR family instead of business OR family.
Because they can and should complement each other.
I think about the 20 years I’ve had with my three kids. And I’ve worked from home for almost all of them. And just saying it out loud, I realize how incredible that is.
When I first had my oldest daughter, I had a good-paying corporate job. And I got three months of maternity leave in my benefits package. But, after being with my new baby for those first three months, I knew I didn’t like the idea of leaving her each day to go back to work.
So, that was my motivation to develop what eventually became my RondaReady System. And now, it’s a proven System with over 20 years of proof behind it. That’s 20 years of helping entrepreneurs and business owners turn 5 figures businesses into 6 figures businesses. And 6 figures into 7.
I don’t guarantee I can do the same for you. Because I don’t know how committed you are. But I CAN say, if you’re the kind of person who’s motivated by dreams, goals, and even family, I can probably help.
But don’t decide right now. Get my free emails and see if I seem like who I say I am. Find out if I’m the kind of person who truly wants to help you succeed. And when you DO see that, THEN jump into the RondaReady System with both feet. And I’ll help you Get Ready, and…
Stay Ready,