How about these business investment ideas?
I talked to a business owner who told me his company is too big to set up their business operations manual. Instead of taking some time now, to create a repeatable system he can delegate, I guess he’d rather repeat himself over and over again. And that’s a shame because he has much more important things to do. And, unlike me, he doesn’t consider a proven system one of the better business investment ideas.
Some of the best business investment ideas only require time.
I find it curious how so many business owners put their money and faith into buying insurance products to help through tough times. But they don’t invest in their own business to make sure it can run without ’em.
Or how about this? Business owners who invest in stocks and commodities…but don’t set up their business to make money even when they’re not around. Why pay somebody else to build your financial future? Especially when you could invest some up-front time and build a future you can share with employees, family, and friends.
If you believe in your business, invest in your business. And like I said, that doesn’t always mean money. But even if it does include money, what better place to put it than your own business? That helps keep YOU in control. Not some broker or agent who doesn’t care about you…just his commissions. And don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying anything against diversification. But when you don’t even start with what you have control over, that’s a little odd. Don’t you think?
If you’re ready to work on the kinds of business investment ideas I’ve been talking about, get my RondaReady online business coach CRM system. It can even help you get creative, come up with new ideas, and…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady
Want a free building plan? If you’re not ready to commit to hiring an online business coach, or if you’re a confident do-it-yourselfer, grab my free book. Click or tap the picture of the book over in the sidebar or get the Amazon Kindle version HERE. There’s also a paperback version available on Amazon HERE. Everything I teach my one-on-one clients is in the book. Start building your business better, today. I’m pullin’ for you..