Hello fellow control freak. How’s your day going so far?
If you’re a true control freak, you probably know how it’s going.
Or at least you know how you’ve planned it to go. Am I right?
One of the main, recurring things I’ve heard my clients say, over the years, is how hard it is for them to hand over control of any part of their business. So, I do my best to show them how to let go. Not of everything. But of certain parts to give them the best chance to hold on to (or build) a successful business.
And I make sure they understand that to let go doesn’t mean you give up control.
At least, not all of it. Or the “final say” control. But it IS about letting others, who might be much more qualified, than you, at certain parts of your business. What?! Could that be?! Uh…yeah. Absolutely.
Because your business will do so much better when you handle those parts where you’re the expert. And let others handle those parts where they’re the expert. And, as much as you might like to believe you are, you’re not an expert in everything.
But, believe me, I get it. Your business is your baby. Your vision. And it was your idea long before anybody else even thought about doing it. But those aren’t business or expert credentials. They’re feelings. And your business won’t succeed on feelings alone.
So, you gotta let go of how you feel about everything.
And figure out how to put the right people in the right positions.
The most successful businesses in America aren’t the classic one-man-band.
Of course, if your goal is to have a successful business where you’re the only person in your business, it can be done. But there are only a few business models where that can work well. And even those guys tend to need outside assistance at least once in a while.
So, if you plan to build something big and serve the needs of many, you’re gonna build a team. And that’s a very good thing. Because more hands get the work done faster. And, in most cases, much better.
And that’s where my RondaReady System comes in.
It’s a proven way to help you automate and delegate like the champ CEO you know you can and should be. My clients almost always tell me how much more empowered they feel after they set up their personalized system. So, from vision to volume, the RondaReady System has you covered.
But I could tell you that all day, every day, and it might just sound like another bragging business coach. I could also refer you to lots and lots of testimonials from business owners I’ve helped. But that could easily sound like a bunch more bragging. Because you just might not be Ready to pull the trigger on a serious business building System.
So, in that case, I recommend you get on my list for free daily emails. That way you can get to know me better. And I believe once you see how much I truly DO wanna help you succeed, you’ll feel more confident spending your money on my System. Because it’s control freak tested and approved.
Just click the link below, fill in your email, and let’s stay in touch.
Stay Ready,