This cowardly lion got a wake up call from her doctor.
In the movie, Britney Runs A Marathon, the main character discovers she’s been living a lie. And she decides, after her doctor warns her about her health, that she’s not gonna continue to be unhappy with herself. She sees how she hasn’t been following her passion. And, in fact, her cowardly lion approach to life actually put her on the path of self-destructive behavior.
Like the cowardly lion in Wizard of Oz, she finds courage.
But her success doesn’t happen overnight.
When she takes the first steps toward better health, there’s a scene when she looks down the block in her neighborhood in New York City. And instead of giving in to the feeling that it’s just too much, she says to herself,
”Just one block.”
And from that simple three word statement, it took her over 2 years to be ready to run the New York City Marathon. With some huge physical and emotional setbacks along the way.
There’s also a scene where her brother-in-law tells her she needs to learn how to
“let people in” and “let others help.” Because she lashes out at others all the time. It’s almost like an automatic response for her.
And I won’t tell you more, in case you want to watch it.
But as I watched the movie, I thought of how most business owners are Britneys. Cowardly lions who somehow find the courage to start a business. But often losing courage along the way. Not letting people in, people who can help. And too often they forget to focus on “just one block.”
If that’s you, my RondaReady business coach CRM system has already set up all the blocks. I don’t want you to wait anymore to be happy. And I DO want to help you get ready to run your marathon, and…
Stay Ready,