Depending on what source you choose, daylight saving time was either a joke started by Benjamin Franklin, or a clever tactic devised by Nazi Germany. And it was also the life’s work of a guy named William Willett, from the U.K. But regardless of where and how it started, it can sure be a pain in the neck. Right?
Daylight saving time is gonna make you lose some sleep this weekend.
And there’s nothing you and I can do about it. At least, not if we wanna stay on the same time as our customers, clients, and patients. After all, it wouldn’t be terribly efficient if we were an hour late for everything. Because people might start to talk.
It’s funny (odd, not ha ha) how daylight saving time doesn’t actually save daylight. Or time for that matter. In fact, it doesn’t even save resources like electricity anymore. And that was one of the most important reasons for putting it in place for some people.
So, I guess you and I are gonna have to set our wristwatches (do you still wear one?), the clock on the coffee maker, and the clock on the stove an hour ahead before we go to bed Saturday night. Because we don’t wanna look silly, like we just lost an hour (and can’t find it anywhere) on Sunday morning. Right?
Yeah, I don’t have an answer for how to solve that whole daylight saving time thing.
But I can help you get more done in the hours you’re awake.
My RondaReady System won’t save you any daylight. But it can certainly make it seem like you have more daylight hours. At least my clients and I have enjoyed that feeling for years.
If that sounds like something you and your business might like, I suggest you jump on over to my System Signup Page. But I warn you…it’s not a magic wand system. Even though once you get plugged in, it might feel that way. No, it’s gonna take dedication and persistence.
And the kind of people who don’t sleep through the “spring ahead” time change are the kind of people who can plug into the RondaReady System and RUN with it.
Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…
Stay Ready,
P.S. In case you didn’t catch the hints: don’t forget to set your clocks ahead Saturday night.