“What?! Are you trying to tell me a digital assistant can do all that?”
Well, no. But this guy said something like that…
“For 12 months, we met on a regular basis to discuss, plan and execute our ideas. She took us from an empty 3 ring binder to a binder full of business processes, plans, and training that we can use to continue with our growth. And we began to understand, very quickly, that running a business is not as easy as it seems to be.”
Who is this “She” mentioned in that first paragraph?
Your 24/7 Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Assistant.
What’s that spell? I mean, what does that acronym spell? RONDA – And that’s me, of course.
Yeah, a client of mine loved how he and his team discovered tons of time and stress-saving benefits as they implemented the RondaReady System.
And that’s not all he mentioned…
“If you spend the time with Ronda to develop a plan on how you want your business to run, you will see your work at the end of the 12 months come to fruition. And you know have a plan that you can take and grow with.”
And he added…
“So, I learned really fast that this ‘development’ is almost, if not, more important than actually doing ‘jobs’ to bring in money. Why? Because anyone can go out and perform labor. To make a business successful, it requires a whole lot of labor back in the office. And without this plan, it’s just mass confusion and no organization.”
And my client wasn’t exaggerating when he said, “whole lot of labor back in the office,” I can understand why it felt like “mass confusion and no organization.”
But the key to his success at getting it back under control is what I call System Think.
I believe most of my one-on-one clients have told me they wished they’d gotten this kind of training when they were young. Because they could have saved years of business building headaches. And I know that’s true. Because it did that same thing for me.
Fortunately, I was able to put together my RondaReady System while I was still fairly young. But it would have been even better if I had learned it while I was in high school or at college.
But they don’t teach System Think in college.
That’s why I DO! RondaReady YOUniversity is for young people who’d rather go out into the real world with real business building skills. (and even not so young people, too)
YOUniversity is designed to help you learn to RUN a business better. Or climb the corporate ladder faster than your peers, if that’s what you prefer. And there are over 20 years of client success stories behind it. And you’ll even discover how to put a 24/7 digital assistant to work for YOU.
There’s so much more I could tell you about it. So, why don’t you book a free call and let’s talk. That way we can both find out if YOUniversity is right for you. Click or tap that button, below, and…
Stay Ready,