Shh..what’s that? Doubt and Fear?
OK, here’s a quick question for you. Are doubt and fear your friends? Hmm…I’d like to make a suggestion you might think is a little bit odd. But hear me out. OK?
Doubt and Fear certainly don’t act like your friends.
When do they show up, anyway? Not when things are going great. Right? Because when things are going great, you can pretty much get through a lot. But when something negative happens…some challenges, some obstacles…where do you go then?
Do you find it easy to stay positive? Or do you give in to Doubt and Fear? In the recovery industry, they talk a lot about the “committee in your head.” And I’d say we all have that. Right? One voice telling you, “You can’t do that.” And another voice saying something like, “You’re not good enough.”
I’ve found that, instead of shutting out those voices, make friends with ’em. Because shutting out doesn’t really make ’em go away. So make friends with the little voices. You know they’re coming. You know they’re gonna talk to you. But when they naysay, just say something back like, “Oh, there you are again, Danny Doubter. Nice to see ya, bud.”
Yeah, just acknowledge the voices. And then put them in their place and move ahead. But definitely don’t give in to them. You’re stronger than that. So, practice being stronger than that.
Because, like I say ( a lot)…what you think can bring on what you feel. And what you feel can lead to certain kinds of actions. And if you’re building a business to support your chosen lifestyle, those actions need to get you there.
So, don’t let those voices keep bossing you around.
Right? Right. Take control. Because you can. And you need to. And you’re going to.
Of course, my RondaReady business coach CRM system can help you get that control better and faster. Because that’s what a proven system can do. The success stories of my clients is proof.
So when you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady and…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Action