Farm fresh. Right off the bat that sounds like something good. Right? Yeah, who doesn’t prefer the freshest foods. And especially if they come right from the farm. Those foods tend to be the most delicious and nutritious.
So, are you farm fresh?
Or, more specifically, is your business farm fresh. No, I’m not asking if you serve up fruits, meats, and vegetables. Well, maybe you do because you’re a restaurant owner. Or chef. But that’s still not what I mean with that question. I’ll explain.
A real estate connection of mine reminded me about the acronym FARM a while back. In real estate it stands for: Fixed Area Repeatable Marketing. And it’s a very common term in that industry. But, of course, I thought about how farming, business, and marketing applies to basically everyone.
You don’t have to be a farmer to be farming for business. Yeah, even a business owner or entrepreneur who never drove a tractor or picked up a shovel has to plant seeds and grow some customers.
And the seeds YOU plant are known as target marketing or niche marketing in the world of business. On the farm, if you want cantaloup, you gotta plant cantaloup seeds. And if you want tomatoes, you gotta plant tomato seeds. So, in business, figure out who your ideal customers are, and market to THEM.
You gotta understand THEIR needs, wants, desires, and even their beliefs.
Otherwise, you certainly can’t sell them anything.
Here’s a basic truth, in business, just as it is in life. People do business with people they know, like, and trust. It doesn’t have to be all three at the same time. But it DOES have to start with at least one of those. And they’ll get to know, like, and trust you faster when they know you’ll serve them up the farm fresh ingredients, they need, to make more sales and profits.
One of the best business motivational lines out there goes something like this: “The best way to solve most of your problems is to help others solve theirs.”
So how’s your farm gonna do that?
Do you have a clear picture in your mind of who your ideal customer or client is? If not, ask yourself these questions.
- What level of education do they have:
- How old are they?
- Are they in a relationship or not?
- What fears are holding them back from your product or service?
- What preconceived notions might they have about you and what you have to offer?
I’ve been helping my clients grow their businesses way better and faster for years. And I’ve built some awesome, ongoing relationships as a result. I’d love to talk to you about your business and see if maybe I could help you do that, too. Interested? Book a free call, and let’s talk soon. Calendar is below.
Stay Ready,