A friend of mine recently got the new MacBook Air M1. And for anyone (me included) who doesn’t use or follow Apple computers, the M1 computers use Apple’s silicon. And for anyone who doesn’t understand why that’s important (including me) it probably isn’t important. It has to do with Apple making everything that Apple uses. So…OK. But my friend said he thinks one of the most interesting features is the fingerprint scanner.
Of course, smartphones have been using fingerprint scanners a long time.
But most computers have still been the old style of login with a user name and password. So, I can imagine the more streamlined fingerprint login is a nice update.
Then again, the face scanner is pretty amazing technology, too. But the whole fingerprint thing catches my attention because it goes back to the idea of push-button easy. You know…that sales pitch that internet marketers are pushing to business owners, all the time, these days.
And the reality, of course, is nothing’s truly push-button easy. Not in business anyway. If you’re working on a business you want to go the distance, I probably don’t have to tell you it’s ongoing hard work. But you keep doing the work because you love it. Right?
Yeah, and just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean it has to be the same ol’ same ol’. Checking in on every detail, personally, every day. That’s like needing your login and password every time you log onto your computer instead of simply scanning your fingerprint.
And the reason I know it doesn’t have to be the same ol’ same ol’ is because several years ago I built a System to change that. I shared that story and a video I presented to business owners on my about page. It’s RondaReady dot com forward slash about-Ronda.
But I don’t want you to get the idea I created a push-button easy business System. Like I said, those don’t exist.
But the RondaReady System IS fingerprint scanner ready.
And that means you don’t have to login or dig in to your business the same ol’ trial and error way. You can plug in to the proven System that’s helped my clients and me build 6 and 7 figure businesses. But you should know it’s a substantial investment.
So, if you’re a newbie on a small budget, my System probably isn’t for you. Although I believe it would be worth it to Go-Getters to borrow the funds and get started right away. And Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…
Stay Ready,