OK, I’m gonna sound like your parent or grandparent right now. If you’re young, and just starting out, your best bet might not be to start a business. In fact, maybe you should get a real job. Not one of those sweeping or cleaning jobs. And not one of those fast food jobs. Nothing wrong with them. But, for the most part, they’re probably not gonna take you on the success journey you’d like to take.
I’m talkin’ about a real job with good pay.
The kind of job that can and should help you expand and focus your natural abilities. And the kind of job you can love doing as you figure out your way in the business world.
When you get the kind of job I’m talking about, it can help fund your dreams and ideas. Yeah, you can earn good money while you hone your skills. How cool is that? And working for someone else (preferably someone who’s willing to share their experience and know-how) can be an awesome way to avoid mistakes down the road.
Plus, it gives you time to figure out your direction.
And the great news, these days, is you don’t need a college degree to get a real good job. Even if job listings say they require a degree, when you can prove how much you know, you can become invaluable to a company. Especially right now when so many businesses can’t fill positions for one reason or another.
Just show them you DO know what they need you to know. And when they see how much value you bring to their business, it’s not too likely they’ll pass up on you.
If you’re not sure how to create that kind of value, or if you’re not even sure where to start, I’m here for you. With a simple course to help you System Think.
Because System Thinking helps you focus on YOU in an unselfish way.
I call this course, YOUniversity. Students who’ve already gone through the course tell me it helped them focus and figure out what they truly wanna do. And in ways they hadn’t even imagined before.
If you wanna find out more about it, click or tap the link below and send me a message. I’ll be glad to talk it over with you. Yes, I’ll be the one who gets back to you. Because I don’t hire phone and email screeners. So, click or tap that link, and let’s talk soon. I truly DO wanna help you…
Stay Ready,