How bad do you want it?
I remember talking with a client, years ago, who was going through a very rough spot in her life and business. And she shared some extreme changes she’d made in both. Something I kept hearing her say was “I had no other choice.” Making changes like that might work for a tiny, tiny fraction of people. But mostly it’s just reaction. Certainly not a strategy. Especially in business. I told her “instead of thinking how bad things make you feel, ask yourself how bad do you want it?
So how bad do YOU want it? Knowing the answer helps you make better decisions.
And you have to be willing to make change happen. Because when you just let changes happen instead of making them happen, you’re asking for disaster. And for goodness sake, don’t let other people’s opinions of what you need influence your decisions. They might have good intentions. But their circumstances are not your circumstances. And your desire to make change happen is all that matters.
So what do you desire in your life? Have you really thought it through?
Your mind and will, working together, can do amazing things. And you can achieve what you focus on. (there’s that focus word again) So, make sure you’re focused on solutions. Not problems. Because focusing on problems tends to create more problems. And then you’ll quickly find yourself back in that “I had no other choice” frame of mind.
You’ve heard that old saying, “Hindsight is 20/20”, right? Well, this year, 2020, is the perfect time to make positive changes happen. So, this time next year, your hindsight will be great. You’ll look back and think, “I made good choices.”
Here’s what I suggest for today. Think things through. Focus. And make a plan.
In other words, Get Ready! And if you’re ready to make that happen a lot faster, get my RondaReady business coach CRM system. It’s a serious investment. So, it’s only for serious entrepreneurs who wanna be the highly organized CEO of their own businesses. If that’s not you, don’t spend the money. But if it IS you, buy my system and you won’t end up paying for it.
So, invest in your own copy of the RondaReady System book, today. And it IS a good investment. Because it can pay for itself exponentially, and help you…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority