Do you know how much you know? Or how much you don’t know? Well…uh…no. You don’t. Because your brain stores tons of information. So, technically, you “know” probably way more than you even think you do (see what I did there?). But even if you DO know a lot, a lot of people…probably most…don’t care. And that’s because…
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
I don’t know, for sure, if that quote came from Teddy Roosevelt or John Maxwell or even Earl Nightingale. Apparently there are different opinions about the source. But, it doesn’t really matter. Because the point is, people wanna know you care. And here’s the good news…
You DO know how much you care. Right now, you might be reading this and thinking, “Yeah, I don’t care to read any more of this.” But at least you KNOW it. Right?
So, if you wanna show your customers or clients or patients how much you care, ask questions. Because that’s the best way to show them you want to know more about them and their problems. And their answers give you tons more information to work with. Then, you can provide better solutions.
But here’s an insider tip…
When they give you those answers, don’t try to memorize them all. Write ’em down. Keep track. And keep track of your ideas for solutions AND your actual solutions.
Keep track!
So you can measure what works. And what doesn’t. And you can figure out how and where to do better and get better with your solutions.
Of course, you might be able to memorize questions and answers with one or two clients or customers. Maybe even three or four. Some particularly gifted business owners might go as high as seven. But it starts to get mighty complicated and complex after that.
And why not make it easier on yourself? Easier to repeat and even automate.
But how do do that? Is there a template you can plug into so you can get it going faster? Some sort of System you don’t have to spend years on as you start from scratch?
Of course there is. It’s my RondaReady System I’m always talking about.
And it can help you grow your business better and faster.
If that’s not true, then I need to get in touch with all my current clients. And all my clients from the past 20 years who’ve told me how the RondaReady System helped them do that.
One thing I know they all have (and had) in common is their willingness to do the work. They worked through all 3 stages of the System. And they set up their automation, delegation, and CRM so they could measure and track their performance and keep in close touch with their customers and clients. And that worked paid off. Big time.
Paid off so well that they found out how their increased sales and profits paid for the RondaReady System. You could do that too, if you plug your business into the System with the link below.
Stay Ready,