There’s manual labor and there’s Manual labor
I wanna share what I call a manual labor story from one of my interesting appointments yesterday. First, a little background. Over the years, I’ve had the privledge to work for non-profit organizations in addition to my work with regular profit businesses. Both have been very rewarding experiences.
For one non-profit, in particular, I was hired by the board of directors to help them get documented systems in place. And during my time there, a lot of changes occurred. Board leadership changed. The CEO changed. And the only other employee, who knew the inner workings of the business, left rather suddenly.
At my meeting with the new board leadership, yesterday, they were understandably concerned. And they were more than a little anxious to know “what kind of mess” the new management would find.
Fortunately, before the sudden departure of the employee who had the knowledge of the place, I captured all that knowledge in a completed operations manual.
Whew! Close call. And that’s what I mean about taking the manual out of manual labor.
Instead of starting from scratch, completely in the dark, I handed them their operations manual. They quickly realized how they could focus ON their business…not cultivating new programs and donors…to serve their community.
They were lucky.
Not so much for a man I knew, a few years back, who suffered from debilitating back problems. Eventually, and inevitably, he could no longer be a one-man-band, self employed business. And he found out…he no work…he no make money.
So, here’s a thought…
You will go through the coming year(s) one way or another. Instead of letting business run you, why not build your business better. A business that can make you money whether you show up all day every day or not.
The RondaReady business management system has helped scores of other entrepreneurs, like you, set up their own operations manuals. And this has helped them eliminate chaos and avoid catastrophe. And who wouldn’t like to avoid that? Especially these days.
So, invest in your own copy of the RondaReady System book, today. And it IS a good investment. Because it can pay for itself exponentially, and help you…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority