Someone I know called me early this morning and was not in a good mood. To say the least. After our short talk, I found an article that said, “the Monday blues refer to negative feelings that some people have at the beginning of the week. Returning to the routine of work or school can sometimes make people feel down. Individuals may feel lower levels of job satisfaction and more job stress at the beginning of the working week.”
But the article also said, “the Monday blues is not a clinical term.”
And that means “Monday blues has no definition in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition.” But, as the article said, you and I know the feeling of dread when you realize the weekend is over.
Yeah, it’s not depression, according to studies. But it DOES feel depressing to a lot of people. And considering that the depression is most intense on Mondays and decreases as the week goes on, nobody has a problem calling it the Monday blues.
A side note in that article said this bluesy Monday stuff tends to happen mostly to people who face a 5-day work week and 2-day weekend. And that includes a LOT of people I know. How about you? And do you even know the symptoms for this invisible ailment. Well, they might include:
- fast heartbeast
- increased blood pressure
- trouble breathing
- tense muscles, and
- headaches
They say you can use muscle relaxation techniques, breathing and other physical exercise, maintain a healthy social network, get plenty of sleep, and consult a doctor if none of that works.
I didn’t realize how serious the Monday blues can be.
Apparently some people just can’t seem to cope with their feelings of dread. In fact, their symptoms can include:
- loss of energy
- lack of focus
- changes in appetite
- feelings of guilt and worthlessness
- agitation
- trouble sleeping
- suicidal thoughts
Wow! Even suicidal thoughts?! Who knew? Not me.
I’m not a doctor. And I don’t play one on YouTube or Netflix or Hulu or even Tubi. But I have an idea for something to guard against the Monday blues even starting up in the first place. What is it? I’m glad you asked.
Your own business.
Based on your own Vision. Your dreams and goals and passion. And I mean a business where you can serve up a cold drink to a thirsty crowd. A hungry audience (aka: your market). And I believe all this because I’ve seen so many business owners live very happy and contented lives because of how well their business supported them.
That’s why I wrote the RondaReady Business System book.
To take away the obstacle of cost for any business owner wannabe who just needs some help setting up the right system. The System that can clearly help them (and this might mean YOU) start and RUN a business better and faster.
I’d love to help you be the next success story. And I definitely believe your business is the best way to get there. So, go get the RondaReady System book, today! Especially if it’s Monday!
Stay Ready,
Your Responsive Online Nonstop Digital Assistant