I’m gonna share a slice of an interview between a couple of very successful entrepreneurs. I’m gonna call them First Guy and Second Guy because I didn’t ask permission to share this, although I don’t think they’d mind. Because they shared it to their email lists. And I know they have some investment services they’d like to sell.
(Just so you know, I’m not selling investment services.)
So, knowing all that, here’s that slice from their talk…
First Guy: Well, I mean, I brought up earlier how everybody knows the economy’s buckling. There’s going to be a recession, probably a very deep one. This is a good thing I would think to hedge against something like that by having your operational expenses and not having debt and all that. This is good timing for that.
Second Guy: Yeah, absolutely and the beauty of it is that it will just keep growing unless you withdraw the funds. So, as you make profit, if you just leave that profit in and keep doubling down on those profits, it keeps compounding and that’s where it really gets powerful. I would say the hedge approach is absolutely the best way to do it because you’re hedging with profits that you don’t even have. So, it’s not even costing you anything to hedge and that’s the elegance of this type of an approach, and it’s about stealing yourself wealthy. In the program I teach our clients to… If your merchant account, all of a sudden went from charging you 3% in merchant fees to 8% in merchant fees, and everybody was doing it… no matter which account you switched to, they all charged the same 8%… It’s just an industry shift and boom it’s now 8% everywhere. What would you do?
First Guy: Yeah.
Second Guy: You’d just deal with it, right?
First Guy: You don’t really have much choice.
Second Guy: Right. You just suck it up buttercup and you’d have to deal with it. So what I teach people is to steal 5% out of your income and just put it into this as a hedge and just treat it like it’s a merchant fee. Just pay yourself that little 5% and let that 5% compound on itself through a couple of hours of effort a week.
Now, I do want to be clear on this, this approach is not a savings plan. You can’t just put your money in the bank and never do anything and collect 1% a week. This is active trading, but it’s a very low time requirement form of active trading. It only takes an hour to two a week of your time once you learn the process. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have to spend some time upfront to learn the process, but once you learn the process, we’re talking about something that for the rest of your life, you can make 1-2% a week on your portfolio.
There you go.
And I know both of these guys have made a lot of money in recent years.
But here’s something you might not pick up on when you read conversations, like this, between successful investors. They didn’t start there. They started by building products and services for a market they could serve well. And they served that market very well. That’s called a successful business. And their businesses made enough profits to help them make money on another level.
Investments. And investment services.
If you’d like to get to that point, and I hope you do, I recommend you start where they started, if you haven’t already. And if you have, but you’d like to build your business better and faster, I wrote and published a book that shares my RondaReady System. It’s the System my clients have used to build 6 and 7 figures businesses. And it’s in a book you can order and literally start today, if you choose the digital download version.
I’d love to help you get to that investment level faster. And I definitely believe your business is the best way to get there. So, go get the RondaReady System book, today! Consider it your first investment in your future.
Stay Ready,
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