In the exciting and dream-pursuing world of business, most people give up. Yeah, you read that right. Because most people don’t have what it takes to succeed in business. And that could be because they never had a dream in the first place. Or it could be because they never found out how to RUN a business.
And most people give up because learning is hard.
Not the attach widget A to widget B kind of learning. I’m talking about the kind of learning that helps you serve others so well they’re thrilled to hand over their hard-earned moolah for your products, services, and information.
That kind of learning isn’t found in probably 99% of schools of any kind. Elementary, middle school, high school, college, or even business schools. No, those institutions don’t teach you how to be a business owner. But they CAN prepare you for a job. And that includes all those jobs most people hate. Repetitive, mind-numbing jobs in little cubicles or cold, gray warehouses. Or even out on the lonely roads across the country.
And before you jump on my case about that job you just love and get paid a lot of money to do, just know…that’s the exception. Not the rule.
And most people don’t have your kind of awesome job.
That means that a whole lot of people look for other ways to go through life. So, they come up with what they think is an awesome idea. And they figure everybody will want one of those awesome products or services. And they set up a YouTube channel and a Facebook Page, post some pictures, and watch for the dough to start flowing in.
But then…it doesn’t happen right away.
So, they delete their YouTube channel and Facebook page and go back to their boring job.
Because they don’t wanna learn how to RUN a business. They just wanna HAVE a business.
If that’s you, and you’ve read this far, this is the perfect place to stop and get back to your normal life. But if you’re one of the few…one of those people who’s not like most people, then I’d like to help you learn how to start and RUN a successful business. One that’s built on a real marketplace where real people buy what you sell.
A business you can eventually RUN so successfully that you’ll be able to automate it with people and tools. And you’ll be able to focus on your dreams. And maybe even get another idea off the ground. Yeah, it’s possible.
But only when you RUN your business with a .
And that’s what I teach you how to do in my monthly RondaReady UNversity. Next class is the first Thursday in March. Enroll in this ongoing business building class by February 28. After that, you’ll be too late for March’s session. You could still enroll, but you’d have to wait for the next class in April.
For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.
And most people are dropouts because they give up too easily. But you don’t have to be like most people. Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…
Stay Ready,