“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Yikes, that sounds harsh. So, how about this instead? “The best investment you can make, is an … Read the rest…
Category Archives: UNversity
Nope. An MBA is not worth it. Not worth the cost. And not worth the time. And if you got one, and it’s totally worth it to you, I’m not talking to you. Because you … Read the rest…
I’m sure you’ve seen it. If not, you soon will. And I’m talkin’ about the hustle bustle ramping up for Halloween. Decorations are in all the stores. And I’ve seen lots of fright night creatures … Read the rest…
I know your Type A personality has you all fired up for this first Monday of October. Right? And you’re focused on how much work you’re gonna get done this week. To-do lists all filled … Read the rest…
I know you’re thinking about it. Probably at least a little bit every day. And I know you are because how could you not? After all, it’s coming whether you want it to or not. … Read the rest…
What do planes, trains, and automobiles have in common? And I mean besides all of them being a method of transportation. OK, for the sake of getting to the point, we like them more when … Read the rest…
You’ve got dreams. And you might even have goals and plans to go get those dreams. I hope you do. Because, otherwise, why even get out of bed in the morning? Right? And dreams are … Read the rest…
So. It’s a real thing. The undead army. And according to an ad I ran across it’s “a large collection of undead-themed miniatures for use in tabletop wargaming.” If you have younger kids, maybe you’re … Read the rest…
I’m not a Jew. And I don’t play one on TV or YouTube. But I just noticed, on my calendar app, that today is Yom Kippur. So, do you wish someone who’s a Jew a … Read the rest…
You don’t have to look very far to find an F bomb these days. Social media. Videos. Movies. It’s become about as common as blockbuster car chases and explosions. So, if you wanna be different, … Read the rest…