Offer solutions only to people who want them
I remember listening to a couple of different clients of mine, a few years ago, as they talked about car problems. The first guy mentioned an issue he had with his car on the way to work. But, before he could even finish his story, the other guy started to offer solutions. And the client with the car problem kinda growled under his breath.
But why growl at someone who’s willing to offer solutions?
I mean, c’mon. They’re “only trying to help.” Right?
OK, maybe you shouldn’t growl at someone who’s willing to offer solutions to your problem. But, then again, it CAN be frustrating, to say the least, when you can tell someone isn’t listening. Especially when they don’t even listen to your whole story.
Also, the second guy didn’t ask any other questions. He just started popping out solutions. And that’s like pouring water into a full glass. And you end up with a bad case of information overload.
Have you ever heard this saying? “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Depending on your source, that could be a quote from Teddy Roosevelt or John Maxwell or even Earl Nightingale. It doesn’t really matter who said it first. Because when you start giving answers to someone who hasn’t even asked you for advice, you could end up talking to yourself.
Sometimes questions can be way more powerful than answers.
And they can help you in two vitally important ways.
First, they show the other person you want to know more about them and their problems.
Second, they provide you with much more information. So you have a much better chance at giving the right solutions. And by asking questions, you can help the other person pour some water out of their glass. THEN, they have “room” for you to pour in your solutions.
And your business helps solve your customer or clients problems, I hope you have a streamlined, well-oiled and automated system. If not, consider my RondaReady Business System hub.
And I’m gonna take my own advice and I won’t try to offer up all the problems it can help you solve right now. So, instead, I invite you to schedule a call with me so you can tell me about your ideas and plans. And that way I can offer solutions personalized for YOU.
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