After 20+ years of working with clients from all walks of life, in my consulting business I observed one trait that almost always separates the successful from the unsuccessful. (to get the most out of this letter, read all the way until the end)
Only 3% of kids are born with this one trait inherently.
The other 97% of us aren’t.
And for the vast majority of us who aren’t born with this, if it’s not learned, it can be devastating. In fact, it’s been recorded that 4 out of 10 college students graduate WITHOUT having learned this one high-profit skill set.
However, the good news is your son or daughter “can be taught” (from the Disney classic, Aladdin)
And this little known trait is the one common denominator among all of my most successful clients.
I’ve observed people like Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, and the late Steve Jobs all share this trait.
(I’ll reveal exactly what it is on the next page at the link below)
Stay Ready,
Read more about it here: