Opposite of scarcity is not found behind the crowd
OK, I know you know this. But what’s the opposite of scarcity? Yeah. Abundance. But abundance isn’t found when you go where the crowd goes. Let me say that again.
Nope, you won’t find the opposite of scarcity where most people search.
Did you catch that? Because it’s so true. Especially lately as so many people don’t seem to want to do the hard parts of anything. So, think about that again. Do the opposite of what the majority does and you can enjoy the opposite of scarcity.
I read a story, about doing the opposite, from Dan Kennedy. In case you don’t know, he’s a well-known “multi-millionaire entrepreneur” and “highly paid and sought after marketing and business strategist.”
Anyway, he talked about his “first and only job” as a territory sales rep. And he said all the other reps would go to a city and “visit accounts.” No appointments. They’d just walk in. But Mr. Kennedy said it only took a couple of weeks for him to notice how that just didn’t make any sense. And he asked them why they did it that way.
Their answer was that if you “set appointments in advance, they won’t agree to see you.”
And Dan’s answer for that was, “If they don’t want to see me, why do I wanna go see them anyway? I’d rather go see somebody who wants to see me.” So, he sent mail ahead of time to let accounts know where he’d be, when, and how long they could expect to see him. He called it “forced appointment setting.”
It worked like a charm. He got to see 80% of the people he went to see. And he said the other reps tended to see an average of about 20% of the people they went to see. So, Dan outsold the other reps so much that his sales manager asked him to take Fridays off. Because he made everybody else look so bad.
And here’s why I shared that info with you.
Because the majority of business owners and entrepreneurs and wannabe’s don’t envision their future, automate and delegate the day-to-day stuff, or track their performance. And that makes it so much better for those of us who do to outperform the competition. Because there just won’t be much competition.
My RondaReady System is completely set up to help you envision your future, automate, delegate, track performance, and a lot more. But most business owners and entrepreneurs would rather fly by the seat of their pants and skip the details. So, that gives you a HUGE advantage, if you’re willing to plug into the System and get going better and faster.
But are you Ready to invest in yourself? And do what an advisor to countless first-generation, from-scratch multi-millionaire and 7-figure income entrepreneurs and professionals did? I hope so. Because I’m Ready to help you get going right away. Don’t put it off any longer. Click or tap on the first link below.
But if, for some reason, you’re still not sure you’re worth the investment, at least click or tap the second link and get my free emails. That way we can stay in touch and I can answer your questions.
Stay Ready,