If I say perfection is___, fill in the blank. What’s your description or definition. According to many, it’s the enemy of progress. Or the enemy of good.
And a lot of people will tell you perfection is a myth.
One thing’s for sure, it’s the mostly unspoken goal of procrastinators.
And here’s how that usually goes. Progress, followed by perfection seeking, frustration, and finally procrastination. I don’t have any stats for how many business owners fight/use this invisible force. But I’ll bet it’s close to 100%. And the difference between success and failure is how quickly you, as a business owner, make the right adjustments to stop that dreadful process.
I hope you understand how progress is not about perfection. Because the pursuit of perfection can derail you from your Vision. And it’s a HUGE time waster.
But your business vision can, and should, stay on track with a simple process. It’s not easy. But, of course, you know the saying…if it was easy, yep, everyone would be doing it. And you know as well as I do, they’re not. Which means you have a great opportunity to be the exception.
But if you wanna be the exception, you gotta be a go-getter. Stop wasting time. Because the solutions don’t come to you. You gotta go get ’em.
Hold on a second.
Actually the anti-procrastination solutions CAN come to you.
At least they can when you plug your business into my RondaReady System.
Because it’s an investment in yourself, your business, and those you care about. And it can pay for itself over and over and over again. But only when you commit to excellence.
One of my clients said this about the RondaReady System…
“…helped us scale and grow with an easy to understand process on how to stay in high touch with our prospects and clients.”
And if you truly wanna be a business owner, you gotta scale your business. Because that’s when the magic happens. That’s when you pour on the awesome sauce and dance with delight.
Sound good? Ready to get out the awesome sauce and dancing shoes? And Ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business? Then click or tap that button, below, and book a free call with me. And let’s see if my RondaReady System is right for you and your business. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,