Are you taking care of your prize pumpkin?
Ok all you business farmers. Are you ready to Get Ready? And are you ready to take home the prize pumpkin for all your hard work? Great. Then, let’s get busy. Before you think, “Uh-oh, Ronda’s gone crazy” I’ll show you what I mean. (hint: you won’t have to start a farm)
I found the prize pumpkin idea in a book called The Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz
In that book, the author says to grow a prize pumpkin you gotta get rid of certain parts. Like the vines that are taking away resources from your “prize.” Because if you try to take care of all the pumpkins, your prize pumpkin suffers.
What’s that got to do with business? Right?
Well, let’s say the pumpkin farm is your business. And you probably started your business with a more focused, good idea. In other words, I’m guessing (and I hope I’m right) you didn’t start out with the intention of being all things to all people. So, you had a particular product or service or information offer. Right? And that’s best the way to get your business going. Because focused efforts produce better products, services, and information.
And once you grow your prize pumpkin and your efforts are paying off, only then should you consider “growing” another one.
Just remember, it’s too hard to be everything to everyone. So, narrow your focus to your ideal clients. But do you know who they are? If you’re not sure, go through your database and find them. Because it’ll show you who you really like working with. And who pays on time. Get a clear picture of your ideal client or customer in your mind. Then, you can focus your products, services, and information to get more of them.
By the way, my RondaReady System book can help you do all this. And even help you automate a lot of the processes and procedures.
So, invest in your own copy of the book, today. But only if you’re Ready to Get Ready, Be Ready, and…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority