It used to be that if a young person liked to draw or paint or compose music, someone would tell them to get their head out of the clouds. Parents explained to those kids how “real jobs” weren’t about art and music. Because real life meant you had to work hard.
And that’s still true. Real jobs require hard work.
But these days, it’s possible to be an artist or composer and turn your creative skills into a lucrative business. Because these days, your potential customers can be just about anywhere in the world.
And that reminds me of a couple of interesting world changers I talked about a while back. Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs.
Einstein loved to float around in his sailboat and think. One story I read said he was even arrested one time for wandering around a beach. They must have thought he was a crazy vagrant. But he just allowed himself to get lost in thoughts.
And Steve Jobs said he relied on procrastination to help him jot down ideas. And doodle. But you might say some of those doodles turned out pretty well for him.
So, creative minds aren’t necessarily pie in the sky minds anymore.
Yeah, now your creativity can be a huge benefit. Even if you don’t have any time in your life to procrastinate and doodle and float around in a sailboat. Because you’re YOU. You’re not Einstein or Steve Jobs. And you know what? Those guys could never have been the YOU that you are.
But you can’t just decide to “be creative” and wait for all the potential clients and customers to make a bee line to you and your stuff. Far from it. No, you gotta get a clear vision of who you are. And where you wanna go. And then you can figure out the best way to get there. The way you do that is with a System.
A System can help you get to your “sailboat” or “doodles” sooner than you imagined.
And my RondaReady YOUniversity is that kind of System. Because it helps you focus on who you are, what you want to do with your life, and what it takes to get there.
A clear vision with a clear purpose. Things they don’t help you do in school or college. But I wanna help you with your vision and purpose. Because I love helping people achieve their dreams. So, we should talk about it some more. Click or tap that button, below, and book a free call with me. Do it today. Your dreams await.
Stay Ready,