I read a definition of regret as “disappointment at something that has happened or been done.” But I think that’s only one side of the coin. Because regrets mean you’re disappointed about things that never happened or got done, too. Not YOU, of course. I’m talkin’ to the fictional “you” right now.
Here’s what 10 fairly well-known business owners said regrets mean to them.
And keep in mind, this isn’t a scientific study. And it’s not necessarily an indicator for what bothers business owners the most. But it IS pretty interesting. See if you can relate to any of the list of 7 regrets. We’re counting them down from least regretted to most regretted.
7. Set prices too low
6. Increased prices too fast
5. Focused on revenue, and not profit
4. Didn’t focus on sales enough
3. Didn’t know who were the right customers
2. No market analysis ahead of time, and
1. Should have started sooner
Wow. It looks like most of the list is about the money and the market.
But the number one regret is all about TIME.
Of course, it makes total sense. Right? Because lost time is the one thing you can’t do anything about. Because it’s gone. And it’s never, ever coming back. Unless you’re an Avenger with a connection to some sort of special space time continuum vehicle. But those are still way too expensive for most of us.
So, the next best thing is to go ahead and start working on your dreams and vision while you’re young. Or if you’re not young, maybe help someone, who’s young, get started right now. Because wouldn’t it be awesome to help them have fewer regrets when they get much further along in their life? Yeah, that’s what I think, too.
And that’s why I’m launching my new course with a focus on System Thinking for young students who are about to go out into the world and stake their claims.
What if they could get leadership skills most of their peers will never get. And what if they could build the right system, for their ideas and dreams, to get better results much faster in life? Wouldn’t that be an awesome way for them to use their gifts and talents?
And wouldn’t it be sad if they reached a point, later in life, only to realize they never used their gifts and talents?
But that sad story can stay in the science fiction books with the Avengers. Because I’m gonna help you to help them avoid those regrets.
The course is coming very soon. So sign up for my free daily emails to be sure you don’t miss the savings during the initial few days of the launch. Only subscribers will get the link to the discount. Don’t miss it. And…
Stay Ready,