Remodel time – without the pesky dust
Let’s talk about remodel time. Wait a minute. Come back here. Because I’ve got some good news. You won’t need to get out any carpenter’s tools. Or plumber. Or electrician. And no dusty, moldy mess either. But you will need to put on your thinking cap. And I think you’re gonna love it.
Remodel time is when you work ON your business.
Where you’re the visionary, the CEO of the business. And when you plan, grow, and envision the next steps. It’s how you stay on the path to get your business to the next level. And the next…and the next.
During the first 1-5 years of building your business, you’re consumed in results time. And you “don’t have time” to work on developing better services or products. No time for new creations and reaching new levels. In fact, the thought of carving out time to do those things can overwhelm you. Because you wonder how you’d ever be able to manage even “one more thing.” But at the same time, you know if you don’t, you might not be able to keep doing what you’re doing without losing your mind.
It’s sort of like raising kids.
At first, you’re doing all the physical labor…feeding, bathing, diapering etc. But, as they begin to develop into little people, you start teaching them how to do those things for themselves. And that’s a wise time investment. Because it can give you more time to do other things.
Your business is like those kids. The earlier in your business-building process you can start, the better. Then, you can use your time to develop the strategies and systems to get your business more independent of you. Just like the big boys do it.
And that’s what Stage 2 and 3 of my RondaReady online business coach CRM system are about. Getting your business past needing you for everything.
Now, you might be saying, “What if I’m a solopreneur and always plan on being one?” Well, remodel time is for you too. Because the fundamental point is to spend more time working ON your business.
Get the tools (or people) to help you save time. So you can achieve more of what you want. And it’s in this time when new ideas are created and developed. It’s when you’ll get your business more efficient so you can make more money in less time.
But if you’d rather work IN your business and skip the whole idea of more money in less time, then don’t click or tap on any of my links. Because they’ll take you to where you can sign up for my system and teaching. And it’s too much money for people who don’t commit to take action. Hope that’s not you. Because I’d love to help you Get Ready, Be Ready, and…
Stay Ready,