Here we are in the first week of 2021. And so many entrepreneurs and business owners are doing the same thing they did in previous years. But, sadly, most of them are still gonna get the same negative results. And that’s why I say resolutions are bad for most people. Because they don’t tend to set up a system to make sure their resolutions have a chance at success. And resolve turns into re-solve.
So resolutions are bad when they’re just history repeating itself.
And that’s how I came up with that clever play on words…resolve turns into re-solve.
When you face the same problems in 2021 as you did in 2020, it could be you’re trying to re-solve the same problems. And, according to feedback I get every year from my clients and customers, those problems fall into three main categories.
Time management (which I like to call schedule control). Getting organized. And getting clients.
This month I’m introducing my amazingly affordable RondaReady UNversity. It’s where I’ll provide ongoing coaching sessions for entrepreneurs and business owners who need and want to master those three categories. And enrollment isn’t open quite yet. So, get on my email list if you’d like to be notified when it’ll be ready. Because there’ll be deadlines for signing up each month.
In the first month’s session, which will be the first Thursday of February, the focus will be on time management. And since we’re at the beginning of 2021 it’s a great time to start your enrollment.
I’ll be sharing tips and tools you can use to actually accomplish what you’d like to see happen this year. One of those tools is what I call your Accomplishment Board. I shared a little bit about how it works this time last year. And I mentioned how writing it down helps give you laser focus. I said…
“And I encourage you to write them down in the PAST tense. As though you’ve already accomplished them. It’s much more empowering to say things like, ‘I am’ or ‘I did’ or ‘I have’ than to say things like, ‘I want’ or ‘I need” Gets your subconscious working better.
Only about three percent of the population writes down goals.
And it’s that three percent who tend to get what they want out of life. So, it’s worth it to take the time. Write your accomplishments down. Break ’em down into small steps. And get what you’re after this year. Make it a great year.”
I’ll be diving even deeper into time management in the first RondaReady UNversity session. But, like I said, you gotta sign up before the deadline…which I’ll announce soon. So, be sure to get on my email list, if you’re not on it already, to be notified with more details.
And then…Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your business.
Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,