(The secret) shortcut to success
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” Robert Collier So, that quote from Mr. Collier proves how boring success is. Right? I mean, think about it. Everywhere you look, people are desperately trying to find the shortcut to success. So, I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is, there’s no real shortcut. The good news is…
You’d be bored out of your gourd if you actually found the shortcut to success.
We humans need to work. We NEED something to occupy our brains and keep us focused and interested. And guess what? That’s what WORK does. Yes,…work. Those “small efforts, repeated day-in and day out.”<
Think about this for a second. Have you ever had a day when you didn’t have something to do? Yes? And what did you say? I’m bored. So, you figured out something to do, even if it wasn’t productive. And you DID it. Then, at the very least, you weren’t bored.
Well, when you make the decision to be successful, you’ll find the right projects, or products, or services, or information to work on. And you’ll start those small efforts and keep doing them until they produce bigger and bigger results. Then, one day, you’ll discover you’re successful.
Maybe it’s not as glamorous as being discovered by Hollywood. Or as glorious as winning the Powerball. But building success from the ground up has much better and longer lasting consequences. Then, it’s yours. You built it. You own it. And nobody can ever take that away. And the closest thing I can think of to a shortcut to success is my RondaReady online business coach CRM system It can at least help you get there better and faster.
Here’s to your boring, beautiful success, and…
Stay Ready,
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