The sun rose at 7:14 from 120 degrees Southeast this morning here in the Colorado Springs area. And it’s supposed to set at 4:40 p.m. 240 degrees Southwest. So, you know what that means. Right? Yeah, it’s the shortest day of the year for 2021. At least shortest amount of daylight hours.
And, of course, that means you gotta get more done in less time.
Well, it doesn’t actually mean that. But it feels like it. I bet you know what I mean. Like when you go into a store or an appointment at 4 p.m. and you come back out to your car and it’s dark. No matter how many times I’ve experienced this, it still feels weird to see it so dark so early.
So, it feels like I need to get more done in less time.
But the shortest day of the year still has 24 hours.
Yeah, that’s the reality. And reality doesn’t depend on how you or I feel about it. Thank goodness. Because that means it depends on…well…itself. What’s real is real.
And what’s real about your 24 hour day is, you can more done in shorter time without the sunset’s help. All you need is some snazzy automation, a little delegation, and a System to manage it all.
Wait a second! That sounds a little (translate that to “a lot”) like the RondaReady System.
Yeah, business owners and entrepreneurs can plug into the RondaReady System and set up automation for all kinds of daily work. And if you’re one of those business owners or entrepreneurs, and you employ or hire people, you can delegate THEM to set up the automation tools in your RondaReady System.
And once you get your System set up, you won’t care if it’s the shortest day or the longest day of the years. Because you’ll make the best of each 24 hour day no matter what.
But I suggest you wait till after Christmas. Because the RondaReady System is a little too expensive to buy while you’re out there shopping for Christmas gifts. Just wait till January. And then gift your business with the best System for your business in the whole world. The gift that pays for itself. And the only System with ME.
Stay Ready,
Watch for links later. For now, just enjoy a Merry Christmas week.