Tom wanted to help his neighbors be able to get more done in a day. And he had an idea for how to do that. But he just couldn’t make his idea work. Day after day he worked on it. And night after night he lived with another failure. But he didn’t give up. So, after what felt like ten thousand hours straight, he got his idea to work. Then, he was able to help lots of people have a better life.
The guy behind those ten thousand hours was Thomas Edison.
And I think it’s safe to say ten thousand hours would be a small number compared to the actual number of hours Mr. Edison spent on his inventions.
On the surface, the light bulb seems so simple. Just some filament in a bulb. But where did Thomas get the filament. And how would he get that filament to stay put inside the bulb. And what kind of bulb would it have to be? Oh, a vacuum bulb. But where would he get those?
Well, it just so happens that Mr. Edison had his own glass blowing “shed.” And that’s where he and his team created the bulbs. That way he had plenty for his experiments.
But let’s get back to the filament.
According to documentation, Thomas “tested the carbonized filaments of every plant imaginable, including baywood, boxwood, hickory, cedar, flax, and bamboo. And he even contacted biologists who sent him plant fibers from places in the tropics.”
Wow! Just the filament part, alone, is proof of how dedicated he was.
And that dedication and determination showed when he said, “Before I got through I tested no fewer than 6,000 vegetable growths. And ransacked the world for the most suitable filament material.”
That’s why I believe there were many more than those ten thousand hours mentioned before.
So, here we are now.
With a light bulb in every room of your home. And electricity running freely into just about every house. And it’s so normal now that we all take it for granted. Like, for instance, when you open your laptop or phone and start reading, watching, or typing. There are lights and plenty of other bells and whistles.
But it’s SO incredibly normal that you don’t even think about what it took to get to this point.
So, when daily life takes everything you’ve got, remember this.
Keep pushing forward. Because you’ll probably find you DO have a little something left. You DO have a way to help someone else. Or even lots of other people. You’re made of more than you might think.
Your ten thousand hours might be any minute now.
If you need some help making the most of those hours, get your own copy of my RondaReady System book, today. Because I share ways you can automate and delegate even more easily than Edison. It’s the same system my clients have used to build and run very profitable businesses.
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