I remember a recent discussion with a new client, who’s been feeling “totally out of control.” And I saw that same look in her eyes and heard that same tone in her voice I’ve seen and heard so many times before. It’s heart-wrenching to me. Because I know these people are good at what they do. Not just good…excellent.
So, how did they get totally out of control?
Well, in the case of my client, we went over her daily activities. And it didn’t take long to see the problem. She felt out of control because she WAS out of control. And she let herself get side-tracked by the slightest distractions. Then, she had such a hard time getting back into the groove. And more often than not, she’d put things off.
(psst…I talked about that yesterday.)
Anyway, I showed her how she could get things back in control and get her sanity back with a simple “trick.” A “trick” that’s not a trick at all. And it’s not some snarky business hack. It’s just a matter of changing habits.
And I talk a lot more about it and show you how to do it in my RondaReady System. The reason it works so well and helps you be more productive is because you don’t have to shift gears so much. And when you’re distracted all day, you’re shifting gears back and forth whether you like it or not.
So, this “trick” gets you behind the wheel of an automatic super deluxe driving machine. At least, that’s how it’ll feel when you’ve done it for a little while. And you’ll speed-glide down the super highway of business where no distracting “billboards” can throw you off course.
Once I got my client going with this “trick,” she told me her workdays feel light years more productive.
I love hearing that.
Because I love helping business owners and entrepreneurs figure out and reach their dreams.
If you’re ready to be the next business owner or entrepreneur I can help, at least sign up for my free emails. Because I believe you’ll discover I truly DO wanna help you succeed. Your subscription link is below.
Stay Ready,