I know most business owners and entrepreneurs won’t have time to organize any Veterans Day activities today. And that makes total sense. Because we need to keep working to keep the country moving. Right? But I saw an article that talked about 30 different ways to honor vets.
And all 30 Veterans Day activities involved organizing.
Like how to organize a community event or trip. The article ideas for that included…
- Attend a Parade
- Make a Meal
- Organize an Assembly
- Attend a Celebration
- Visit a Local Battlefield
- Give a Veterans Day Deal (especially good idea if you’re a business owner)
- Visit a Local Memorial
And there were others. But I’m not sharing this to give you ideas for Veterans Day activities. Just do a search, online, and you’ll find more ideas than you can get to in years.
The point I wanna make is how even showing respect to those who’ve fought and died to keep America safe can benefit from organization and schedule control. For example, take just the “Make a Meal” idea. If you’ve never planned and made a meal for a group, you might not understand all the steps involved. But suffice it to say…it’s a lot of steps.
Sure, you could just order something from your local grocery store. Or have the whole thing catered. But that just means you’ve transferred some of the responsibilities. And even that takes time and organization.
But you do it when the event is worth it.
And honoring vets is certainly worth a few extra steps. Right?
And you and your business are worth that, too. After all, those vets put their lives on the line so you could live yours. So, I believe a great way to honor vets is to build a successful business and keep America strong.
And that’s part of why I built an online business-building System. To help business owners and entrepreneurs Get Ready, Be Ready, and Stay Ready. Hmm…almost sounds like a veterans job description, too.
Anyway…I’d love to help you define your vision and mission and achieve your dreams. I’ve helped oodles of others do that. And I’ve seen plenty of them go from 5 figures businesses to 6 figures. And from 6 figures to 7.
I don’t guarantee that for you or anybody. But if you’re the kind of person who “sticks with it,” I can help you get results like that, too. But you don’t have to go all in at once.
Start out with my Blueprint for Success.
It’s where you discover how to Envision Your Future. And it’s the starting place for even my most successful students. You can get it just by sharing your email address with me at the link below. And I’m thankful to all our Veterans who’ve helped keep America free, so I can share this for free.
Stay Ready,
Click or tap the link to get your Blueprint https://www.RondaReady.com