Alright matey. Today you’re gonna walk the plank. And you won’t even have swim with the fishes to Davy Jones locker. But you might be wearin’ armour before it’s all said and done.
I know, I know. What’s all this walk the plank talk?
Actually it’s Kevin Plank, the former (I think it’s former) CEO of Under Armour. You know, that little fitness apparel company that made Kevin a billionaire.
And apparently he was basically broke when he started selling his brand. According to an article I read, he took his savings, somewhere around $20000 and added another $40000 in credit card debt and started his company.
I guess he’d seen sports teams with their sweat-soaked uniforms and figured there had to be a better, cooler way to suit teams up. So, he got his gear together (so to speak) and made a sale to Georgia Tech University. No small deal. Because Georgia Tech people like their sports like I like the beach. And that’s not a little. In fact, that first sale was for around $17000. And it gave him the credibility and excitement to keep going.
After that first sale to Georgia Tech, Mr. Plank made good sales to a couple of dozen NFL teams. And that propelled him into turning his thousands into millions. Plus, he was able to hire hundreds of employees. And, according to what I read, Under Armour now does around $2 billion a year with around 5900 employees.
Wow. From broke to a billionaire.
Now, that’s some impressive plank walking. Right?
But I can guarantee that didn’t happen without a system. Kevin might not have started out with much of a system. But I’m sure he put one together as soon as he could.
Putting a system together might have been what made his financial journey a bit longer. Because he might have had to figure some things out as he moved along. But just because he might have had to figure things out as he moved along doesn’t mean you have to.
Nope. You can move your business forward faster than a billionaire with my RondaReady System. But, although my System won’t cost you a billionaire’s salary, it WILL cost you significant dinero. That’s Spanish for credit card, or something like that.
So, my suggestion is to jump on my free emails first. The main reason is because they’re affordable for absolutely anybody. And the next reason is because you’ll get to know me and discover how much I wanna help you Get Ready, Succeed, and…
Stay Ready,
P.S. If you’re already a subscriber, let me hear from you. What kind of help do you or your business need?