‘Twas the week after Christmas, and all through the land…business owners were sleeping ’cause their week was not planned. Oh no. If that even remotely sounds like you, then you should have gotten a lump of coal under your Christmas tree. Just kidding. Sort of…
Because the slow week after Christmas can help give you the edge.
But only if you had it planned that way. And only if you work that plan while those other business owners are only asleep at the wheel. With visions of sugar plum fairies still dancing in their heads.
Nothing against sugar plum fairies. But I’ve never seen a successful business owner who relied on ’em.
And just in case you didn’t catch my drift yet, I’m talking about daydreaming. It has its place. But not necessarily during a slow time like the week following Christmas. Because that’s the week so many business owners and entrepreneurs drop the ball. They think everything’s gonna be slow everywhere. So, they slack off, too.
But I know you. And you don’t fall for such silliness. Right?
You understand the race is to the swift. And to the prepared. And to the planners.
So, you’re probably all set with your computer fired up. And your leftover cookies by your side. And your RondaReady system opened up to the next steps for your business.
What’s that? You don’t have the RondaReady system opened up to the next steps for your business?! And that’s because why?! Because you don’t even have it yet?!
Well, first let me say I’m shocked that no one cared enough about you to get you the RondaReady system for Christmas. But I’d like to add that all is not lost. But you should get it right now so you’ll leap into 2021 with a head start. OK…are you still here? What are you waiting for? Go get the system…
Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,