What is an online business coach?
And do they really help?
The other day I was in a social group, and the subject came up about what we all did for a living. When I said I’m a business coach and that I offer an online business coach CRM system, someone asked, “Well, what is an online business coach?” I went through the different things I help my clients do, and the same person asked, “And does having an online coach really help?” So, I shared this short story…
Part of my services (and part of my online video course) talks about creating an accomplishment board. It’s a great tool for setting goals and putting them somewhere highly visible where you can’t forget them. And I met with a new client two weeks ago and helped him start his accomplishment board. We met, today, and he brought it with him. He’s already starting a few of the accomplishments he wanted done before the end of this year. And he told me he’s so happy how just this one exercise has already helped him feel so much more focused and energized to keep going.
So, ask my clients, “What is an online business coach?”
From my experience, I think most of them would say I’ve helped them focus and turn ideas into action. Could they do this on their own? You bet! But the point is, they had either forgotten how to do it on their own…or they just plain hadn’t done it. And a good business coach can be the extra push in the right direction. Someone who can look at their business objectively. And find a way to help turn ideas into actions. And actions into success.
Success has such a nice ring to it…right?
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